Lodge Wahroonga Story

On 14 December 1945, after the end of World War II a meeting was held at the home of Worshipful Brother RM Jennings to consider the establishment of another lodge in the district. On 2nd February 1946 a petition was signed at Hornsby Masonic Hall. On 20 July 1946 the Grand Master for New South Wales attended the consecration of the new Lodge with an initial membership of 33. By 1971 the membership had grown to 109.

Very worshipful Brother Cec Richards occupied the position of Master of the Lodge in 1970/71, 1988/89 and 1997 to 1999. He remained a very active and respected member of the Lodge until he passed away in 2018.

Since its consecration Lodge Wahroonga has been very active in the local community holding debutant balls for example with the strong support of members and their wives. Another highlight of the lodge year is the annual ANZAC Meeting which is often attended by other local lodges. In addition members of the lodge participate in the annual march to the Hornsby Cenotaph .

Following the sale of the Hornsby Masonic Centre the lodge moved to Turramurra Masonic Centre and several lodges joined or amalgamated with Lodge Wahroonga over a number of years.  Some funds accumulated to those lodges were brought to Lodge Wahroonga at the time of amalgamation.  From about 1956 Lodge Wahroonga has had annual reciprocal fraternal visitations with Lodge City of the Plains in Bathurst at the installation of the new Worshipful Master. This fraternal relationship continues today with Lodge Bahram Bathurst with which Lodge City of the Plains amalgamated in 2005.

Lodge Wahroonga has always in involved itself in charitable works since its inception and funds have always been raised for this purpose throughout the lodge years.